360 Research and Innovation Group (360RIG), is the constituent unit of 360 Research Foundation, working in the field of Scientific Research and Innovation. It was established on 13 December 2015. 360 RIG collaborate with exceptional researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, users, communities to co-create knowledge and solution for a wide range of social needs, and also scouts, supports and spawns grassroots innovations developed by individuals and local communities in technological field, helping in human survival. 360RIG helps innovators and outstanding traditional knowledge holders get due recognition, respect and reward for their innovations. It also tries to ensure that such innovations diffuse widely through commercial and/or non-commercial channels, generating material or non-material incentives for them and others involved in the value chain. These socially-relevant solutions help us, our communities and our nation.
Application Link: https://forms.gle/WEPnbGYXdVwxg8zGA |
360 RIG since inception has been an inclusive programme where children irrespective of gender, language social and geographical background have been participating.
- Language: They can use any scheduled language for communication. However, special attention will be given to the children who would be communicating through sign language or if necessary the escort can facilitate the interpretation.
- Presentation: The children with disability are allowed to present their projects through oral presentation along with a written project report, similar to the children under normal category. So, some of the visually impaired children will prepare their written reports in Braille, and in that case during oral presentation that child will be provided with the help of an aide / assistant. In all other cases normal existing procedure will be followed.
- Time: The maximum time allotted for oral presentation is 10 minutes but for the children with disability that might be relaxed. Depending upon the number of projects the time allocation will be decided and notified.
- Evaluation: At least one of the evaluators must be a special educator, who understands the needs and limitations of these children. Other members of the evaluation team in the room should also be compassionate and empathetic to the presenters.